Sunday, October 21, 2007


Well, I really had a fun day yesterday! Went to a friend, Dan Griffith's, gallery ( and shot some smoke from an incense stick. Another photographer, George Fisher, suggested we add three flashes through red, green, and blue filters. It worked out really well. Here's a sample. It's now on my website, as well as this blog.
Let me know what you think; I'd love to hear from you.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

New website postings

I've now added a few images from the trip and elsewhere on my website. To view them, please go to
Here's one sample.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Home again

Well, we had to return home early; I developed an abscessed tooth. Didn't make it to Moab, UT to photograph Arches & Canyonlands Nat. Parks. Not to worry; I'll catch up to it sometime in the next few months, I hope.
We did get a few "keepers" from our shortened travel. Here's one. Check my website in the near future to see some others.